The story starts in 1002 A.D., with the Mikaelson family lying in wait for a covered cart to come by. They then kill the inhabitants and try to cover their tracks so Mikael doesn’t find them. Kol and Finn suggest splitting up. The rest disagree.

In present day, Freya writes a letter to Rebekah. She says Klaus and Elijah are still at odds. She tells her that Marcel controls the quarter and holds fights at the church to recruit the best people for his vampire ranks. Elijah also fights there to work through his anger. Hope is doing well, but misses Hayley. Klaus has been no help finding a cure for Hope’s mother. Hayley sees Hope only on the full moon.
Marcel tries to get Davina to make daylight rings, but she refuses so the coven won’t think she’s a vampire sympathizer. She tells her witches not to expand into vampire turf. One of her witches starts walking away. When Davina confronts her, she magically breaks Davina’s hand and then sets a fire around her. Davina puts it out, but is shaken.
Niklaus sees Camille as his therapist, but seems to have no remorse for anything that’s happened. He asks her to a gallery to see his artwork. She tells him that she’s there only as a therapist and if he only wants her to see his work, she’ll leave. She tells him to call her if he wants to talk.
Vince takes Camille to a crime scene. They need her for a psychological profile. A man has been hung from ropes like a marionette with his mouth slashed open. Camille says the man was alive, but just stood still while he was tortured. He was compelled.
Flashback to 1002 again. The family has killed a cart of people heading for the palace. Rebekah suggests that they take the place of the travelers to hide in plain sight. Elijah argues with her, but then hears a heartbeat. They approach the cart and find a man who claims he’s the personal servant sent to escort the people in the cart to the palace. He tells them he can help them pull off the impersonation. They take a vote whether to let him live or not.
Flash to the present and the man from the cart is now a vampire, buying a penthouse. He asks the realtor to call him Lucian and then attacks her.
Vince and Camille go to Marcel to see if he knows who committed the murder. He tells them it wasn’t his group because dead bodies lead to a drop in tourism, which mean less food for them. Marcel suggests they check with Klaus.
An art critic is viewing Klaus’s paintings at his art show. He doesn’t like them. Lucian appears and says he’s surprised that Klaus didn’t just compel the critic.
Elijah is setting up a picnic for Hayley for the full moon. Men with guns appear and tell him he has to leave. The land has been bought and they are there to destroy the wolves. They already killed six the night before. Elijah attacks them and tells them to call off his men and leave. The leader tells him that he’s just an independent contractor and that there are others out there hunting. Elijah kills him.
In 1002, Lucian and the family have arrived at the castle. Lucian informs them what to say and how to behave to pass for those they killed. They make it past the Count. Klaus asks Lucian why he would lead them into his master’s home. Lucian says his master and his court are cruel and he doesn’t care if the Mikaelsons kill everyone there. The Count’s children arrive. Klaus is taken with his daughter, Aurora.
In modern day, Klaus asks if Lucian has spoken to Aurora. Lucian says they parted ways centuries ago. Camille arrives at the show. Klaus approaches her. She tells him about the body they found. Klaus claims he knows nothing about it.
Klaus asks Lucian why he’s there. Lucian lets him know that there’s a war between the different lines of vampires started by the various Mikaelsons. He warns him that to win against the other lines, the vampires are willing to kill the head of each line – namely Klaus and his family – to wipe out everyone they sired. He asks Klaus to come with him to a seer.
Davina comes to Marcel to tell him about the witch who went against her. He offers to take care of it. She tells him that would brand her a sympathizer. He tells her she needs to respond with a show of force.
Elijah calls Freya to ask her to watch Hope while he runs an errand that he doesn’t want his niece to witness. She arrives to take care of Hope and Elijah starts pulling up traps and attacking the animal control men. A female wolf in human form attacks one of the men. Elijah asks where Hayley is. The woman tells him if she’s not with her daughter, she’s probably dead.
Lucian brings Klaus to his penthouse where a huge party is going on. He brings him in the back to his bedroom where Alexis, the seer, is. She asks him to drink from her. When he does, she reads him a future of doom. She says their family will be undone within a year’s time.
Lucian tells Klaus he’ll need him. Klaus says he doesn’t need anyone and that he’s what lesser men fear. Lucian says he should act like it. He also says he’s the only one Klaus can trust. Klaus tells him he doesn’t trust anyone.
Vince and Camille worry about what to do about the killer. If they send the cops, they’ll be slaughtered. If they warn the cops of the danger, they’ll be locked up as insane. The lead detective calls and tells Camille that it’s happened again.
Vince fights with Marcel at the church. Marcel confronts him about not mentoring Davina like he was supposed to. Vince says she refused him. Marcel tells him to help her out.
Hayley awakes as Davina’s captive. She says she needs to see her daughter, but Davina says she needs her to do something first.
Camille comes home and finds Klaus in her apartment. He’s brought her a painting in exchange for a chat. Camille tells him to come back tomorrow. When he says he needs to talk then, she tells him he’s self-absorbed and calls him an insensitive disappointment. He starts to leave and she apologizes. He tells her to keep the gift – he painted it for her.
Klaus finds the art critic and attacks him in a dark alley.
Lucian picks up a straight razor and looks in the mirror. He slashes his mouth like the body that was found.
A monk approaches a meditating woman with a note. She reads it, visibly upset, and kills him. She says it won’t be long now.
The Originals airs on Thursdays on The CW.
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