A man rings a rich housewife’s doorbell claiming to be a real estate agent. He says his client will pay $10 million cash for the right property and asks to see the view. She brings him to the balcony where he attacks her. They both fall through the glass railing to the rocks below.

Ravi, Clive, and Liv are viewing the body of the housewife, Taylor. The man who killed her, Joe, is in a coma. Clive found a printout of Taylor’s Pilates schedule in Joe’s pocket making him believe it was a murder for hire. He thinks it was Taylor’s husband, Terrance, who hired him. Terrance is hiding behind his lawyer. Clive has the real realtor whose card Joe stole coming in later.
Liv invites Clive and Ravi out Friday night for dinner. Ravi says his new girlfriend is trying to get the night off to cook for him. Clive says he’s busy too. Liv eats Taylor’s brains.
Major is working out. Vaughn’s assistant, Gilda, approaches him about his lack of progress on the zombie killing list. She tells him Vaughn is not a patient man. She says he wanted to call everyone on the list and tell them they won a Hawaiian cruise and then sink the ship. She says the work Major is doing saves lives and he needs to move faster so Vaughn doesn’t go back to his original plan.
The real realtor, Alex, comes in to the police station. Clive shows her a picture of Joe and she tell shim she found him digging around in a bedside drawer at an open house at Vaughn’s place.
Major gets in an elevator behind a suspected zombie and the hairs on his arms raise. He looks distraught. Later we find him following the zombie after dark in the park walking his dog. Major injects him with something to knock him out and kidnaps both the man and his dog.
As they’re driving, the man in the trunk tries to convince Major to let him go, but Major just turns up the radio. When they get to the bridge, he shoots him and drops him into the water.
Liv and Clive interview Vaughn. He tries to get information on Terrance. Liv has a vision of Vaughn having sex with the victim. She confronts him about sleeping with Taylor, but he denies it. He says he prefers younger, blonder women. She throws a drink at him. On her way out, she runs into Major.
Liv yells at Major about ignoring her. She asks how he can be working for Vaughn. Major says he goes where the work is. She accuses him of following orders like a Nazi. He says she’s ridiculous and she slaps him, to Vaughn’s delight. She then apologizes and says it’s the brains that made her do it.
Clive asks Liv about her vision, while Gilda hides and listens. Liv tells him the details. He gets a call saying that Terrance’s lawyer wants to set up a meeting at his house. Liv says she messed up with Major. Clive disagrees.
Clive tells Liv that Joe used to install car stereos. He wants to visit the garage to find out how Terrance may have come to hire him. Liv still thinks it was Vaughn.
Clive questions the workers at the garage. They said Joe did an install at a rich client’s house, but they don’t know the name. They suggest he talk to their manager who’s on a fishing trip. Clive leaves his card.
Liv and Clive go to Terrance’s house. Clive asks where he was when the murder happened his assistant tells him he was with his personal stylist. Clive asks about Taylor’s affair with Vaughn. Terrance seems surprised and angrily punches the coffee table. Clive says he appears to be capable of violence.
Gilda confronts Vaughn about sleeping with Taylor. She’s afraid he’ll upset Terrance who is on the Max Rager board. He asks how she knew. She says she heard it from Liv. She asks him to keep it in his pants. He says if he did that, she wouldn’t exist. She’s his daughter.
Major is working out again. He snorts some Utopium. Gilda walks in and starts flirting with him. He tries to leave, but they start making out instead.
Clive and Liv interview Terrance’s stylist, Bethany. She didn’t notice anything off about Terrance that day. Liv tells her she’s a genius for getting paid to shop. She also says that she wants to find some new shoes. Bethany tells them about Taylor’s awful friends, Camille and Deborah.
Clive interviews Taylor’s friends. They mention that Terrance was sleeping with gold diggers from a website. Liv has a vision of Terrance screaming at Taylor for sleeping with Vaughn. She tells Clive that Terrance already knew and that punching the coffee table was an act.
Liv talks to Ravi about her friends abandoning her. They glance at the TV, showing a Utopium crackdown press conference, and see Peyton speaking. Neither of them knew she was back in the country. Ravi says at least she’s comfortable to be back in the same city as Liv.
Liv gets a call from Bethany. She found a pair of shoes for her. Bethany comes over to Liv’s house and goes through her closet. Bethany says she’s going to an invitation only sale at a boutique the next day and invites Liv.
When Liv comes into work the next day, Clive has a list of women from the sugar daddy website that Terrance clicked on. Clive says Joe’s boss is back from his fishing trip. He asks Liv to go with him to interview him, but she’s taking the day off to shop with Bethany.
Liv arrives at the boutique. Bethany has already found her a dress. Liv asks the shop keeper to start a tab. He takes her credit card and wishes her a happy birthday. Turns out that’s why she wanted the guys to go out to dinner with her that night. She invites Bethany out to dinner instead. Bethany agrees.
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