Major feels guilty for killing the zombie from the last episode. The man’s children plead on TV to bring him back home.

There’s a frat party going on. Chad, a guy dressed like Caesar, gets stabbed by someone in a furry blue costume. No one notices; they think he’s drunk.
Ravi and Liv examine the body. Liv eats the frat boy’s brains.
Blaine gives a pep talk to the head of his Utopium sales team, Speedy. They’re moving in on someone else’s turf. They’re using rich kids to sell the drugs. Blaine asks his other newest henchman if he knows who cut the tainted Utopium yet. He says he has a couple of leads. Blaine shows him that zombies are real.
Clive and Liv investigate the other frat brothers. Liv acts just like them. They say they can’t think of anyone who would want to hurt Chad. They mention that Chad used to prank people. Liv has a vision of one of the brothers telling Chad that he ruined his life. She asks him about it.
The brother tells Liv and Clive that Chad made him streak during pledge week. He didn’t realize it was by an elementary school and ended up being branded as a sex offender. Chad convinced him to stay with the fraternity because they take care of their own.
The brother pulls up pictures from the party and Clive looks through them. He notices that the person in the blue furry costume is the killer. On their way out, one of the other brothers hits on Liv. Clive says he’ll call around to costume shops to see if he can find out who rented the one they’re looking for.
Liv comes back to the morgue. She finds Ravi sleeping and writes ‘Fart’ across his forehead in permanent marker. She also paints his face with makeup. When Ravi wakes, he tells her it isn’t funny which sends Liv into another vision. She sees the Dean and another student yelling at Chad. She calls Clive.
Clive finds out that the costume is a character from a kids’ show. No shops in their area carry it. He’ll expand the search. He’s called in the student that was yelling at Chad. Turns out Chad and the other student have the same first and last names. Murdered Chad got wasted and took the other Chad’s place to give a drunk driving speech. He says Chad was a buffoon, but he didn’t deserve to die.
Ravi is examining Major. Major asks about the glitter on Ravi’s face. He says he’s going to start referring to Ravi’s beard as Princess Sparkles. Major asks about progress with the cure. Ravi says he doesn’t know enough about Utopium. He asks Major to come with him to a club while he tries it for research purposes. Major tries to leave before he sees Liv, but she walks in. She asks Major to look past the fact that she eats brains, but he can’t.
Liv stabs a beer and chugs it. Her roommate asks her to go out for a drink. Brody, the brother who hit on her at the frat house, calls Liv and invites her to a party. She and her roommate go. Liv starts looking for clues, but gets sidetracked by beer pong.
Ravi and Major are at the club. A rich looking college student approaches them and asks if they want to buy some U. Ravi buys two – one for then, one to take later.
After Ravi takes the drug, he records himself while high. He seems happy. Major’s been miserable and decides to take the other one that Ravi purchased. They’re both loopy and dancing. Major says they need to buy more Utopium and wanders off.
Liv’s roommate reminds her that she’s there for work. She starts looking for clues again. Liv finds a ‘dog fight’ trophy. She asks Brody if they fight dogs. He says it’s the title of a party they throw where they each bring the homeliest girl they can find. The guy with the worst looking girl wins. Brody tells Liv that Chad won when he brought a girl named Paulette.
Someone at the club calls Liv from Major’s phone to come pick him up. She brings him and Ravi home in a cab. Major throws her phone out the window and tells her, “They’re always listening.”
Liv sets Major up for the night in the bathroom. He asks her to stay. He lays his head on her lap and tells her that he won’t let anyone hurt her.
Clive calls Paulette. Liv says she probably doesn’t know about the ‘dog fight’ and Clive might destroy her by telling her. She was right; Paulette didn’t know. She’s ruled out as a suspect.
Ravi listens to his recordings from the night before, but they’re useless for research. A med tech brings in a body. It’s the kid who sold Ravi the Utopium. He’s been murdered.
Speedy calls Blaine. Blaine tells him to lay low and call him if he needs him. Blaine then smashes his phone so he can’t call back.
Clive finds out the name of a girl who rented the furry costume for her boyfriend, Sunny. Clive and Liv question them. They say they used the costume at home and didn’t go out. The girl says she’s a Furry. She’s into costumes that look like stuffed animals. Clive can’t figure out a connection between Sunny and Chad.
Blaine dresses as a zombie and goes to see the DA. Blaine asks him to go after Mr. Boss. The DA says he doesn’t want to die and nobody cares about Mr. Boss. Blaine shows him the paper where Boss killed the rich kid drug dealers. He says protecting rich white kids is his job. The DA asks for cash to bribe the cops and judges that Boss pays off.
Speedy wakes up to Mr. Boss’s henchmen. They kill him.
Blaine’s next step is seeing his father. He asks for money. Blaine hates him because his mother killed herself and his father didn’t stop it. Also, his father put Blaine’s grandfather into an institution and took over his business. Blaine says he won’t stop until he does the same to his own dad.
While playing a game, Clive and Liv realize maybe the wrong Chad got killed. Turns out the other Chad killed Sunny’s father in a drunk driving accident. Sunny then tried looking him up online with the few details that he had and found the wrong Chad. He breaks down when he finds out he killed an innocent man.
Liv rings Ravi & Major’s doorbell. She’s there to pick up a phone that Major bought her. Ravi answers the door. Liv tries to say hello through Major’s bedroom door. He says he’s busy. She leaves and we see Major reaching for a vial of Utopium and taking it – his way of coping with his misery.
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