Liv visits her brother at the hospital. When Liv refused to donate blood, a doctor did. Liv’s mother asks her to leave. Instead she waits for her brother to wake, but he tells her to go away.

A woman is jogging. She runs past a man fixing his car and boys playing hockey. Suddenly she hears a scream.
Ravi and Liv go to the crime scene. The man fixing the car has been crushed beneath it. The jack release has been kicked by someone else. There’s a footprint by the body.
A woman pulls up on a scooter. The victim, Wendell, was her brother in law. She says no one liked him. He hated everyone and everything.
Liv eats Wendell’s brain. She ponders why the cured rat in Ravi’s lab hates her. Ravi asks her about her new roommate. Liv says she’s fine; she works for the IRS and is rather boring. Ravi confronts her about using up the cure. Liv says she’ll ask Blaine for the tainted drug from the boat party.
The police hold a ceremony to award Lieutenant Suzuki’s widow with his medal of honor. Afterwards, Clive comes to Liv to see if she’s had any visions before he runs down a lead. She snaps at him, taking on the personality of cranky Wendell. Clive says he’ll go solo, but Liv gets up and goes with him.
Clive asks her if Liv and Major are back together. She says it’s the opposite – he’s not speaking to her. Clive reminds Liv that Major’s alibi for the butcher shop massacre is that he stayed the night at Liv’s apartment. She tells Clive he slept on the couch.
Liv and Clive knock on the door of the victim’s neighbor, Byron. He left the tip about the murder. Byron tells them about a street thug, Rodney, throwing eggs at Wendell’s house. Wendell tazed him and then kicked him when he fell. When Rodney got up, he threatened to mess Wendell up. Liz notices artwork of dogs on Byron’s wall and sits on a dog toy while listening to the story.
Liv comes back to the morgue. Ravi asks her to prep one of the bodies for transport. When she looks at the sheet telling the name of the funeral home, she notices that the ownership name is Blaine’s alias.
Liv goes to see Blaine at the funeral home. Before he sees her, the hair stands up on the back of his neck and he knows she’s there. He asks her why she’s still a zombie if she has the cure. She tells him it’s not by choice. Blaine brings up Major’s name and asks Liv to tell him that he owes Blaine $1,000,000. Liv asks him about getting more of the tainted drug he was selling at the boat party. He refuses to help until she tells him that the cure might not be permanent.
After Liv leaves, Blaine goes down to the basement where his new henchmen have brought in an entire coffin filled with a pure version of the drug, Utopium.
Major is now a personal trainer. Liv keeps calling and he eventually picks up. Liv tells him that Clive suspects that Major killed Blaine’s original henchmen.
Clive tells Liv that he met with her brother to get a sketch of the man who hired him at the butcher shop. It matches Clive’s sketch of the man he talked to for a decapitation case. Suzuki left the name Blaine in blood on the wall when he died. Clive asks Liv if she and Major ever saw the man. She lies and says no.
Rodney has been brought in for questioning. Clive asks him to put his foot on the table to check the boot print. It doesn’t match.
The president of Max Rager, Vaughn, is being berated by the board over speaker phone. He reminds him of all the sales he’s brought in. He claims it will be even bigger when Super Max hits the shelves. The board asks him if he can guarantee that the new Max won’t have the same side effects as the original. He tells them that they’ll all be so wealthy, they won’t care.
After they hang up, his assistant tells him that once Super Max hits shelves, he’ll be untouchable. He replies, “Assuming we’re not mid zombie apocalypse.” She says it’s not going to happen – that they’ve located the instrument of zombie destruction.
Major arrives at a new client’s house. When he meets him, the hair stands up on the back of his neck. Later, Major’s working out at home. Ravi comes in. Major tells him that his client was a zombie. He says he didn’t look like one, but he knew.
Clive tells Liv that someone keyed Wendell’s car. They think it might be Rodney.
Ravi calls Liv and tells her about Major being a human zombie detector. Liv realizes that’s why the rat in the lab has been running away from her too. Liv runs into a man and spills his coffee. While he’s yelling at her, she has a vision of Wendell’s sister-in-law, Clara, yelling at him, keying his car, and running away without her scooter.
Blaine knocks on the door of the man he thinks cut the bad Utopium for the boat party. He offers money to anyone who can show him how it was done. The man tells him he didn’t cut it, but he knows who did and asks for a finders fee.
Liv and Clive knock on Clara’s door. They tell her she’s a suspect, but she was with her bridge club when Wendell died. One of the women in Clara’s group offers Liv food. Liv suddenly has a vision of Wendell giving bologna to a Cocker Spaniel, possibly poisoning it. Liv and Clive remember that Byron had dog toys and pictures, but no dog.
They ring Byron’s bell and ask him to produce his dog. He calls and the dog appears. They ask him where he was the night Wendell died. He tells them that he was at a bar. When Clive investigates the bar, he finds that there’s a back entrance that can’t be seen on the surveillance camera and that Byron had posted a missing dog poster on the bulletin board.
Clive suggests that on the night of the murder, Byron’s dog was missing, and he was sure Wendell had something to do with it and confronted him. On the surveillance of Byron going into the bar from the front, they notice that he’s wearing boots.
The police come to Byron’s home to search and ask him more questions. They find the boots that match the print. He breaks down and tells them that he confronted Wendell about killing his dog and Wendell came close to admitting it. Byron got angry and kicked the jack. The car crashed down. Suddenly, Byron heard barking and found his dog closed in Wendell’s house.
Vaughn has Major in his office. He asks Major to work for him killing zombies. When Major tell him he’s not the man for the job, Vaughn plays a recording of Ravi telling Liv about Major being able to detect zombies. Vaughn has a list of 322 suspected zombies. He tells Major to determine which ones are zombies and kill them. When Major tries to walk out, Vaughn plays a recording of Liv telling him that Clive is suspicious about his alibi for the butcher shop murders. He tries to leave anyway, but Vaughn threatens to kill Liv first.
Major breaks into the home of his zombie client and kills him, then dumps him in the river. The assistant from Max Rager watches.
Liv is moping in her room. Her new roommate asks her to come out and watch Zombie High on TV. She joins her to be friendly and we see that the roommate is actually the assistant from Max Rager.
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