For the Gotham episode "Rise of the Villains: Strike Force," The Penguin is having a meeting with a group of criminals and is upset about the lack of knowledge of the Arkham breakout and the chaos currently happening in the city. Penguin doesn’t want anymore chaos or blood in the streets. He wants control back. Tabitha arrives at the meeting and tells him her brother Theo Galavan would like to meet with him.

Jim and other GCPD officers are bickering with each other when Captain Nathaniel Barnes arrives with a purpose. He gives a quick history lesson of GCPD then is ashamed and angry about the death of Commissioner Essen and fellow GCPD officers. He calls out a list of names and they all turn out to be corrupt officers. He fires them immediately and wants to meet with Jim. He makes Jim his second in command and says they are going to bring law and order back to this town.
Galavan is watching the news and the popular question throughout the city is why he isn’t running for mayor. Penguin arrives for his meeting. Penguin recognizes Barbara and figures out Galavant is behind The Maniax/Arkham breakout. Tabitha belittles Penguin, who reminds her to not underestimate him as he is now the ‘King of Gotham.’ Galavan wants to take Gotham into the future but he first must destroy before he can rebuild. He wants Penguin to be his “destroyer” and his intentions to run for mayor. He wants Penguin to take out some of his competition. Penguin refuses, but ultimately has no choice when it is revealed that they have kidnapped Penguin’s mother.
Captain Barnes promises a busy schedule for Leslie and wants Jim to meet him at the GCPD Academy. Barnes and Jim are both warriors and they need some help in their battle. Barnes wants to create a team of young cops that haven’t been bought yet. They recruit four fresh cadets and create Unit Alpha of the GCPD Strike Force under the command of Jim Gordon. “It has a nice ring to it…” Barnes says.
Galavan is being presented the medal of valor and bravery at a press conference when a masked man attempts a drive-by shooting. This prompts Galavant to quickly announce his intention to run for mayor. Meanwhile, the masked man revealed to be Penguin arrives at Caulfield’s campaign headquarters. She begs for her life but to no avail, Penguin brutally stabs and kills her. Jim and Bullock investigate the murder scene and the woman describes Penguin as the killer.
Bruce is leaving school as Alfred waits for him. Selina arrives to see Bruce and Alfred slaps her and says that was for Reggie. He tells Selina to stay away from Bruce. Selina seems genuinely upset and leaves. Alfred tells Bruce it is time to begin his training and wants Bruce to run back to Wayne Manor from school. The next day, Bruce and Galavan have their dinner and Bruce thanks him for saving his life. Galavan tells Bruce he can’t believe justice has not been found for his parents passing. Bruce also notices Galavan’s ward, Silver outside. It looks like Bruce has a new crush.
Edward is trying to build up the confidence to ask out Ms. Kringle. The darker Edward argues with him which prompts Edward to confidently walk up to Ms. Kringle and ask her out. She accepts. She arrives at his place where he has dinner prepared. It is going well but Edward makes a comment about her old boyfriend being dead, where as Ms. Kringle thinks he has just left town. Edward confesses to her about the voice in his head and the more confident version of himself. Ms. Kringle accepts this and the two share their first kiss.
Hobbs’ campaign office is attacked by Victor Zsasz. He kills many staff members and is going to take out Hobbs when the strike force cuts him off. They have a shootout with Victor who is shot as long as two of the officers but no casualties. Jim enlightens the rest of the group of Victor and his involvement with Penguin.
Jim goes to confront Penguin and Penguin dismisses him and Jim tells him that their will be no more deals or favors. Penguin reminds him of the leverage he has on him between the debt Jim collected for him and how Penguin ran Loeb out of town. They both promise to face whatever comes their way.
The strike force has a meeting where Barnes gives them their first real mission. Public enemy number one…they are going to take down The Penguin.
We see that Bruce and Silver meet outside of school and appear to be developing a close relationship. Selina is sitting alone in the street, upset and hearing what Alfred said to her. Barbara keeps asking Galavan when she can have some fun. Galavant says in good time, as he is going to keep the plan going and steal the mayor’s office.
Butch gives Penguin bad news that he can’t find his mother. Penguin is infuriated with the bad news and screams. Dark days are looming in Gotham City…
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