‘Big Brother 17’ Recap: Second double eviction night of the season sends us to the final six

Julie Chen welcomes us to the second double eviction of the season. We are less than three weeks away from crowning the winner of Big Brother. It seems like this season has flown by.

We go back to Day 75 right after the POV Meeting. It looks like currently Meg will be going home over Julia. I’m glad James won POV and maybe they can try to flip the house. Vanessa’s logic was to put Julia up because she has the votes to stay. Meg and James know that Johnny Mac and Steve can be the swing votes. Vanessa talks with Johnny Mac and they discuss securing a final two deal. I’m ok with this.

James goes hard on the campaign trail for Meg with Johnny Mac. They discuss needing to separate Austwins because they are running the house. Johnny Mac/Steve discuss the possible option of flipping the house and voting out Julia. I will admit after hearing Steve talk more and explain his actions, he is actually very intelligent. He has the potential to go to the end of this game. If it was me, I would separate the most powerful alliance in the house.

Julie informs the house of the second double eviction. It’s now time to evict either Meg or Julia. My gut is telling me that Meg is going out the door first. Steve/Johnny Mac’s votes decide this one. I don’t get why they wouldn’t make a big game move and split up Austwins. I predicted this one and Meg is the next person evicted by a 4-1 vote. The house prepares for the next HOH competition. Meg feels she was the “oops plan” this week because she thought they were targeting James.

It is time to quickly crown the next HOH. They will immediately nominate two people for eviction. I’m pulling for either a Johnny Mac or James victory. This is a mental competition. They must view pairs of photos and answer true/false questions. Steve and James are the first two out. Not good. It’s Johnny Mac against Austwins. It comes down to the twins for HOH. It is not looking good for James. Liz wins HOH and must quickly nominate two people. I’m predicting James and Johnny Mac.

I’m getting good at predicting this. James and Johnny Mac are nominated for eviction. This is tough because I like both of them. It is time for the POV Competition. It is called “Boomerang” and it is a version of skee-ball. You have two shots and try to roll them into numbered slots from 1-20. The sum of your two shots is your total and the highest total wins POV. Steve and Johnny Mac start the game with 0. Austin and Liz each score a 15. Adorable. Julia scores a 17 to take the lead. It’s up to James to save himself. James is the third 0 and Julia wins the POV. It is obvious the nominations are staying the same.

The most predictable POV Meeting ever sees Julia not use the POV. Johnny Mac or James are the next HG heading to the jury. I hate to see either of them go tonight. I’m honestly not sure who they will take out. It is a unanimous vote and James is evicted 4-0. James takes a seat next to Julie Chen. James is a very genuine guy and seems like a great person. James is off to the jury house.

We are down to the final six in the house. We have 20 days left in the game. I will admit that was the worst double eviction. They had a chance to make a big move and they failed. I’m PRAYING that Johnny Mac or Steve win HOH and break up the alliance that is running the house.

image of Julie Chen courtesy of Jennifer Graylock/INFphoto.com.


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