'Whodunnit?' Episode recap

Whodunnit?- It's been a blast!

It's early in the morning and there has been an explosion, everyone races to see what has happened and Giles announces that an explosion has happened and that someone is dead. Everyone is wandering who it is and are very happy to see that Dana is still alive, but are shocked because alot of them thought that Adrianna was the killer. Giles announces at this point that Rue Manor is on lockdown, and that everyone is welcome to investigate, but since Adrianna was blown up, her body was not taken to the morgue, but the morgue will temporarily be outside while they investigate.

Everyone decides who they will team up with but at this point most people have decided that they don't want to deal with Cam, Lindsey, Ulysses, and Cris, because people feel like they can't be trusted. Dana, Sasha and Chris, and Lindsay got to the Breakfast room which was Adrianna's last known whereabouts, where they discover that a video has played that says "Drive off the property if you want to live". They notice that all the doors are locked and that she used her foot on one of them to try and pry the door open, and the killer has fixed it that she can only go out one door, the one leading to the back driveway.

Geno, Cam, and Ronny go to the Crime Scene where the explosion happened, and discover that a golfcart is destroyed and that part of it's seat was removed, making them wonder if the bomb was put there. And they also notice a giant branch in the way of the driveway forcing her off her path. Ronny also notices a video camera on a pole and goes over and pulls the pole down and gets the video camera, and notice that there are some red wires.

Melina, Don and Ulysses go to the outdoor morgue, where they see Adrianna thrown into a tree. Don notices her feet are badly charged and thinks the explosion happened at her feet. He cautions Melina not to say anything to Ulysses, so the two whisper because they don't trust him, which upsets Ulysses. They see a remote in her hand and wonder if it's a garage door opener.

Once they go back in the house, Geno gets Melina to try to hang out more with Lindsay to mess up her alliance with the others, which works because Cris now feels that Lindsay is playing both sides. At this moment Giles shows up with a lit bomb, which freaks everyone out. When the fuse goes down, the bomb opens and reveals a bunch of golf balls with the saying " 13 steps". They race around the house to figure out what it means, and encounter some old tv and vcr monitors. Sasha remembers that outside there are 13 steps in the back yard, so she races out there and others follow her. She goes down 13 steps to a golf cart, where there is a clue that says that they have to look at the outside bins.

They find a trash can that has a bunch of VHS tapes, and they each race to the house to play the tapes, when they play the tapes the tapes keep saying to try again. Ronny opens up one of the video tapes and sees a clue inside. The clue tells him to look for a small space where heat rises to, they all think that it's the chimney and take off. Ronny thinks it might be the attic, which it is. He goes in and shuts the door, locking everyone out. At this point he goes in and sits down in front of the tv and pushes the bomb button on the remote and and watches Adrianna get killed. He is the only one with this info, and won't share it til they all get to the dinner table after they have gone to record their conclusions to give to the killer.

At dinner people are still mad with Ronny when Giles appears, every thinks that Ronny will get the free pass but actually Lindsay does, because she most accurately guessed what happened.That the killer put a video of Adrianna on during her breakfast while she was watching a reality dating show. Then he put up an image that told her if she wants to live she needs to drive off the property, he tied all of the doors shut, she uses her foot to pry one open and can't. Then she sees the back driveway door open, so she runs and gets in the golf cart, as she is driving she sees a giant branch with pushes her off her path, then once she gets to the pearly gates they won't open so she uses the remote that she finds in the golf cart. She pushes it and the killer being able to see her from the video camera installed above her, pushes that bomb button to blow her up once she hits the remote button. Ronny is shocked and worried, when he realizes that Lindsay and not he is automatically spared. When the cards are passed out the people Spared are Ulysses, Melina, Geno, Ronny, Sasha, Cris, and Cam. People who are Scared are Don and Dana, which bothers them alot. Giles announces that a formal breakfast will be served in the morning, and everyone goes back to their rooms. Don and Dana decide to stay up all night.

In the morning everyone comes down for breakfast and starts sitting at their assigned seat, but don't see Dana or Don and start to worry. When Dana and Don come in everyone is relieved but confused. Giles comes in and says that they are all having steak and eggs, and when they lift their lids Dana and Don's are bloody. Dana says she will share with Ulysses and Don goes into the kitchen to cook his steak some more. At this point while his back is turned a mountain lion comes out of the dumbwaiter and attacks and kills him.


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