Joseph Gordon-Levitt talks 'Don Jon's Addiction' and 'Sin City: A Dame to Kill For'

Joseph Gordon-Levitt had a pretty good 2012 with The Dark Knight Rises, Looper and Lincoln and it seems the actor's good luck is continuing.

Gordon-Levitt made his directorial debut with Don Jon's Addiction at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival and revealed that the Coen Brothers and Mike Nichols influenced him for the off-kilter anti-rom-com, reports HitFix.

"It's more about the feeling of being uncomfortable, I want audience to laugh, but also laugh at themselves laughing," he explained. He is also the writer and lead actor in the film with Tony Danza, Julianne Moore and Scarlett Johansson co-starring.

Gordon-Levitt spoke about joining the cast of the Sin City sequel, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, and his reasoning behind what attracts him to the movies he acts in as well.

"For me, it's first and foremost about a filmmaker who inspires me. In the last year I have been extremely fortunate. I got to work with Rian Johnson and then Chris Nolan and then Steven Spielberg. The job I just took, Sin City 2, I did it because I just love Robert Rodriguez's movies," he said, as quoted by AceShowbiz.

The actor continued saying, "And then after filmmakers, it's the script. Sin City 2 is just a fun part to play. I have eclectic taste in movies I like to watch. This year, Django Unchained was one of my favorite movies, everyone is so good and I'm so happy for Leo [DiCaprio] because he's a friend of mine; I know he's hilarious and he showed that side of himself. I loved Life of Pi, and Beasts of the Southern Wild. Any of those filmmakers, Ang Lee, Quentin Tarantino or Benh Zeitlin, I'd love to be in one of their movies."

But when asked about the rumors of him possibly being the next Batman after Christian Bale, all Gordon-Levitt stated was, "It's not up to me. It comes down to the same two criteria I just mentioned."


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